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Near East University in Turkey or Cyprus?
Near Eastern University (NEU; Turkish: Yakın Doğu Üniversitesi, commonly known as YDÜ) is a private university located in Northern Cyprus. It was founded in North Nicosia in 1988 by Turkish Cypriot Suat Günsel, who is 100% owner of NEU. The chairman of the board is his son Irfan Günsel.
Is Near Eastern University any good?
Near East University is ranked 801 in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings with an overall score of 3.7 stars, based on student reviews of Studyportals, the best place to find out how students rate their study and living experience at universities around the world.
Is Near Eastern University accredited?
Near East University becomes the only institution accredited by the Nigerian Nursing and Midwifery Commission (NMCN) The Nigerian Nursing and Midwifery Commission (NMCN) is a Category B parastatal institution of the Federal Ministry of Health, by No. 89 of 1979 now known as Nursing and Midwifery Production (Registration, etc.) Act.
How does Near Eastern University rank?
Near East University is ranked 1132nd among the best universities in the world. Schools are ranked based on their performance across a range of widely accepted indicators of excellence.
Is Near East University accredited in Australia?
Straight to the point, that’s for sure, thanks to accreditation by Near Eastern University. The main goal of the Scholarship Studio is to provide students with the most honest future advice possible, and that is to ask where you will live and work after you graduate.
Why buy a certificate online?
Save time – it usually takes at least 3 to 4 years to complete a college degree. When purchasing certifications online, you can save a lot of time and get the certifications you need right away. You will get a certificate very similar to the actual degree.
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